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A Personal Reflection On My Overall Design

For my first attempt at a website, I did really well. My design phliosophy was to always make something look modern. I achieved this through using a modern color scheme. What I want to work on is the menu buttons at the top. I used anchors and hrefs to link the pages together. There is definitely another way but throughout my research on W3Schools, Codecademy and Youtube, I was unable to find a better solution. I also need to work on my margins.

Technical Aspects of My Website

For my website, I decided to center my paragraphs, buttons, title and images. Since my pages did not have much content, there was no need to put text on one side and text on another side.

Most of my website uses CSS Class Selectors to control the colour, margins and alignment of each block. For example the headings with a background colour. By giving almost everything a class, it gave me control over a lot of things and allowed me to put blocks into certain positions and give them the colour they need. For my CSS ID's I used them in my future webpage. On the list, I used different colours for the different goals.

Aesthetics of My Website

I used these colours...





...for my modern look on this website. I also used #FFFFFF, which is just white.

Users can see my website as like a portfolio/blog. I put some images on my homepage to showcase my work, like a portfolio. While in the other webpages (past and future) I decided to talk about my life and future goals, like a blog.

Accessibility Aspects of My Website

It is really important to consider the accessibility features on any project that you make, and I wanted to try and be inclusive. I used common and simple solutions to help with accessibility.

  1. Font Size - A user of any website should be able to read the text clearly without having to use glasses or magnifying tool. I chose to increase my font size to 22px or more so that it would be easier to read for the user. This also helps people with dyslexia.
  2. Dark Background - I decided to use a dark background as it is a popular feature in most applications. I have two main reasons. One is that it is easy on the eyes of the user. Two, it helps with battery life when it comes to a portable device, as these devices will not need to display too many bright pixels.
  3. Alt Text on Images - Alt text is used when an image does not display or when there is a screen reader that is reading a webpage. This is great for people with low bandwidth or people who are vision impaired.
  4. Font - I chose to use a font family of Sans-serif because it encapsulated fonts that were dyslexia friendly, added bonus to the modern phliosophy too.